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There’s no health warning on your job title | Blog | Hi5
There’s no health warning on your job title | Blog | Hi5

There’s no health warning on your job title. Think twice before taking on a project or job that could potentially affect your health in the long run. By.

How SEO helps HR Professionals hire Qualified Candidates | Blog | Hi5
How SEO helps HR Professionals hire Qualified Candidates | Blog | Hi5

Job seekers are actively looking for work online. Here’s how to optimize your job postings for online search engines. By. Jëanne Ismal.

3 Things to Consider When Hiring in This Unique Year | Blog | Hi5
3 Things to Consider When Hiring in This Unique Year | Blog | Hi5

What new talent look for when considering a new job position at your company. By. Adrian Johansen.

Top Tips to Start an IT Career in 2021 | Blog | Hi5
Top Tips to Start an IT Career in 2021 | Blog | Hi5

How to land your dream job as a Developer, DevOps Engineer or IT Specialist. By. Erika Rykun.

Post-Pandemic Career Pivots: Tips and Strategies | Blog | Hi5
Post-Pandemic Career Pivots: Tips and Strategies | Blog | Hi5

Why it’s the best time for you to switch your career path & find a job you’ll love. By. Sophie Isbell.

Why employer branding matters to your potential employees | Blog | Hi5
Why employer branding matters to your potential employees | Blog | Hi5

The definition of. employer branding. is pretty simple — it is how you present and market your company to job seekers and potential employees.

Gamification in Recruitment: Why and How? | Blog | Hi5
Gamification in Recruitment: Why and How? | Blog | Hi5

When they reached a certain level, they were shown a “Do it for Real” button which routed them to the job application page.

Why developers need career coaching | Blog | Hi5
Why developers need career coaching | Blog | Hi5

Most developers have a relatively easy time finding work: in the job market, 90% of developers. have at least part-time work.

Digital Transformation in HR | Blog | Hi5
Digital Transformation in HR | Blog | Hi5

technology has taken over within the HR landscape — we communicate quicker using Slack, our payslips are emailed to us instead of handed to us by paper, and online job

Using Social Media for Hiring? Check Out These Three Companies with Winning Strategies | Blog | Hi5
Using Social Media for Hiring? Check Out These Three Companies with Winning Strategies | Blog | Hi5

Because they’re glued to their phones, job seekers are bound to look for jobs on social media — often successfully.